Keeping in mind that these are indeed "sketches" -- what do you think? Hopefully something I have come up with will get us going in the right direction for you. Some of the really basic general questions to get you started:

1. Photo or graphics?

If photo -- just one or two different ones or one per page? On the right track with the Mt & City idea? [stock, royalty-free photo(s) we can find and will fit in the budget no problem.]

If graphics -- any of these color combinations and layouts grab you?

2. Same logo or new logo?

If sticking with your original logo, we can find photo(s) that will work better color-wise and adjust the rest of the colors to work nicely.

If new logo -- any of the ones I played with do you love? just for fun look at some more fonts that I was drawn to...

3. Logo can be centered, or to the left; braking the frame or completely within the frame.

4. The pages can be floating or snugged left.

if floating we can have white around the edges or a very pale color. [or for that matter, something bright/saturated if you would prefer. Let me know if you want to see that option.]

5. The rest of the details [fonts for navigation and body text; additional graphical elements that we may need; what pages (people page at this time?) etc.] we will decide on when we get there.

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photo options

graphical options

fun with fonts